VIP Wigwam Package with FreeFlow Spa Hot Tub
The VIP Wigwam package includes an exclusive hot tub on your own private decked area.
You can book your VIP Wigwam Accommodation here »
Full Wigwam Terms & Conditions are available here »
Please read the following safety information and conditions of use.
Last updated 7 October 2020
To ensure the safe and enjoyable use of the FreeFlow Spa Hot Tub we request that you read through and adhere to the rules of this safety document before entering the Hot Tub.
You are using the Hot Tub at your own risk at all times.
General Usage
- Shower with soap and water before and after using the Hot Tub.
Showering before use washes away many of the common skin bacteria and removes lotions, make up, deodorants, creams etc which reduce the effectiveness of the Hot Tub sanitizer which disinfects the water. Also hair if long needs to be tied back and kept out of the water as much as possible because it can block the filters and damage your hair.
- Please use the Bathing Robes and Towels provided. Please leave the gowns and towels (we do check upon departure they are still there). Any missing items will be charged.
- Before entering the Hot Tub please lift the left hand cover over the top of the right hand cover use the lid bar to pull back the Hot Tub lid at all times and please do not clip on any of the straps. Please remember don’t sit on the lid, stand or lie on the lid as you will damage it and damages will be charged.
- Check the temperature before entering the Hot Tub and ensure its around 38 Degrees or lower, remove the floating blue chlorine dispenser and floating sponge (please replace when you leave the Hot Tub).
- At 39-40°C limit your time in the Hot Tub to a maximum of 20 minutes as extending this time can affect your inner organs and cause fever like conditions. At 36-37°C this time can be extended as this is body temperature and there is no risk. The Hot Tub is set at 38°C for your comfort and safety.
- Do not enter the Hot Tub its hotter than 40°C.
- Do not immerse your head in the Hot Tub water. This increases the risk of infection and can heighten the dangers of drowning due to suction below the water line.
- Never use the Hot Tub alone.
- A maximum number of four people are allowed in the Hot Tub at any one time.
- Hot Tub usage is for the sole use of the occupants of the VIP Wigwams. Guests from other wigwams or visitors to the site are not permitted to use these facilities.
- Take care when entering and leaving the Hot Tub. When leaving the Freeflow Hot Tub leg, muscles may be relaxed enough to make you unsteady on your feet, please also only use the steps provided to gain access in and out of the Hot Tub.
- Never use glass near/in the Hot Tub as broken glass can cause a risk to people in bare feet and is very difficult to see within the Hot Tub water. Plastic glasses are provided. These are not disposable, so please leave them in the cabin when you leave and don’t throw them away.
- Do not use any electrical appliances or glasswear near/in the Hot Tub.
- Do not use any electrical appliance mains power or battery operated within 5 Feet of the Cabin the inside TV has an arm which will allow you to swivel the TV around if you so wish to watch TV.
- If any fault or damage occurs with the Hot Tub please contact a member of our team at the earliest opportunity.
- Parents are advised that the Hot Tubs are not suitable for children or anyone under 18 years of age.
- Never allow the cover to stay off the Hot Tub make sure the cover is on and fits around the Hot Tub when not in use this also helps the Hot Tub stay hot. Please also ensure the strap is securely fastened to prevent the lid from blowing off in winds.
- Take care on the decking/Hot Tub steps as water from the Hot Tub can cause it to be slippery, the decking is anti slip so ensure footwear is at hand at all times.
- Don’t jump into the Hot Tub.
- Do not turn the Hot Tub isolation switch off inside the wigwam as the Hot Tub’s power needs to be turned on to carry out the cleaning cycles during irregular hours.
- There are other residents staying alongside your wigwam. Please be mindful and respectful of others and we ask that noise is kept to a minimum during the darker and silent hours.
- Anti social behaviour will not be tolerated and guests who are deemed a nuisance will be asked to vacate the cabin immediately if they are deemed to be causing other guests any distress.
- Please don’t urinate or pass ANY bodily fluids in the Hot Tub. Please use toilets provided in the wigwam.
- Brush any mud/ grit from your feet if you're not wearing slippers before you enter the Hot Tub and do not introduce mud, stones or sticks into the Hot Tub.
- Don’t press more than one button at once (if you do, the next time you want to use it will be cold) Don’t be heavy-handed with the controls only light pressure.
- During pregnancy, soaking in the Hot Tub may cause damage to the foetus so contact your doctor for advice before entering the water.
- People with skin, ear, genital or other body infections, open sores, or wounds should not use the Hot Tub because of the possibility of spreading infection or irritating your condition.
- If any allergic reaction occurs leave the Hot Tub and rinse off in the shower. If the reaction persists contact reception or go to a local doctor or A&E.
- Persons with skin conditions, heart disease, diabetes, low or high blood pressure, or any serious illness should not enter the Hot Tub without prior consultation with their doctor.
- Avoid entering the Hot Tub water immediately after exercising as the water temperature can affect the heart rate.
- Please exit the Hot Tub immediately if uncomfortable, dizzy, or sleepy the Hot Tub heat can cause hyperthermia and make you fall asleep.
Food Drink Smoking & Medication
- Never use the Hot Tub while using or after using narcotics or other drugs that may cause sleepiness, drowsiness or raise/lower blood pressure.
- Any drinking of alcohol, must be sensible. Remember the heat from the Hot Tub water speeds up the effects of alcohol and can cause sleepiness, dizziness and unconsciousness.
- Please remember Hot Tub heat in conjunction with Drugs, Alcohol or medication can cause you to feel sleepy.
- Avoid using the Hot Tub immediately after a heavy meal and please do not eat food in the Hot Tub during your stay.
- Don’t eat or smoke in the Hot Tub.
It is your responsibility to enforce the rules of safety within the Cabins and Hot Tub during your stay.
By completing the booking process you are agreeing as yourself (and on behalf of any other people as part of your booking) to these terms and conditions of safety and use for the Hot tub. A further copy of this document can be found online and in the wigwam for your reference..
To comply with HSE regulations the Hot Tub water is checked every morning between 10-11am and in the afternoon between 3-4pm. Staff will need access during these times for cleaning and maintenance. Please ensure the Hot Tub is not in use and that the cover and decking area are clear of any obstructions during these times.
Any losses or damage to the inventory of your cabin and Hot Tub will have to be paid for in full before you leave. If not you will be contacted after your departure to pay the charges.
Cleaning charges also apply if the Hot Tub is left in an unsatisfactory condition after your use cleaning charges are £50 for the first hour then billed £10 per hour afterwards. To empty and fill the Hot Tub with fresh water can take 3 to 4 hours.
If the water level goes below the jet line inside the Hot Tub, the system will automatically shut off the Hot Tub. If you notice the water level has dropped during your stay please contact a member of staff who will increase them (during are standard opening times). Outside theses timings we will be unable to fill the Hot Tubs.
Please enjoy the Hot Tub, your surroundings and tell your friends
If you come across a fault please report it immediately. If a Hot Tub develops a fault, our on-site team will always endeavour to carry out a repair. However if the Hot Tub is rendered unusable for your stay, we will issue you an NDAC Voucher. These vouchers can be used throughout the site, either during your stay, or at a later date.
In these circumstances, if you have paid the full NDAC listed price for your stay you will be offered a £30 Voucher. If you booked your stay via a third party online deal you will be offered a £15 Voucher.
Vouchers last six months from issue and are non transferable. A single voucher will be issued, irrespective of the number of nights stayed.
