7,000 Likes for NDAC Facebook Page
We are really pleased to announce that the National Diving & Activity Centre (NDAC) has reached 7,000 likes on it’s Facebook Page.
There has been a massive boost in popularity of the site with all the recent investment. Over the last four months we’ve had an extra 1,000 likes, our largest growth yet.
We created our new Facebook page in February 2011 and it has proved a very popular way of staying in touch with everyone.
We also have a very active Twitter feed with around 1,965 followers, and of course we have our news blog with all the latest from the site.
Please continue to share your stories, photos and videos with us as we love seeing them.
If you haven’t already liked us you can do so in the sidebar on the right, or by visiting the NDAC Facebook Page.
Thanks again!