Career Voyage workshop at the NDAC this September
Discover Brand ‘You’ and KickStart Your Career
Career Voyage are hosting a really interesting looking workshop at the National Diving & Activity Centre on the 10th September 2018.
Perfect for career breakers or people who are not in the right job at the moment, you will come out of the session understanding your personal brand, your career passion and knowing where you are headed, together with an understanding of the local workscape.
Discover what makes you a valuable commodity in the workplace – and how to exploit your worth and land the role.
This event is for:
• Career Breakers who want to return to work after some time out
• Employees who feel they are not being valued
• Employees who know they want to do something different workwise in the future but are not quite sure what
• Individuals who may want to change the way they work, for example, they want to freelance, have a portfolio or interim career or start their own business.
Full details and tickets for the event are available here for just £20 »
Career Voyage brings strategic focus to people at critical points in their career. They help individuals discover and take control of their options and successfully steer a course to where their talents are best suited and rewarded. Find our more about Career Voyage at