Notice of site closure

The National Diving & Activity Centre is permanently closed. We are not taking bookings for leisure activities or public diving.

We’d like to thank all our customers for their support over the years.

NDAC current Membership to extend until 31st March 2021

NDAC MembershipWe have decided to extend all current diver memberships for free until the end of March 2021. This will apply to anyone who has membership in place dated between 31 October 2019 and 31 October 2020.

Because of the ongoing effects of Covid-19 and uncertainty around the services and facilities we’ll be able to provide; we have decided to hold back on any new diver membership packages or renewals for the next 6 months.

Once we have a clearer idea of the days/dates we will be able open and the benefits we can provide on a membership scheme, we will review our membership package.

We are reopening the centre for scuba divers from the 31st October 2020. This is for weekends initially, but will be under constant review and will follow any current Government advice.

We look forward to welcoming you back to the centre soon.


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